Explore. Excite. Awaken.

What are people saying about Youth Onbelay?

"There is absolutely NO after-school enrichment program quite like this one in all of the Chicago suburbs. What other program offers outdoor exploration, mentorship by trained educators, and an array of activities in a team model approach? We are living in a time where children are spending on average 5 hours a day in front of a screen, and the need for outdoor exploration and healthy social interactions are at an all time high. Ashley has created a program that can be transformative for all children (especially children with attention and/or hyperactivity disorders), and it won't be long before this program is in every community due to its overwhelming benefits." 

   --Paula Boback (mother of two and founder of Prairie Green School)

"We were so pleased with your outdoor summer camp that I shared it with all my friends in the area. It was refreshing to find a local camp that was not all about sports and instead focused on exploring and learning about nature in such a fun and positive way. The various activities and interesting places our son discovered this week was amazing! He came home everyday wishing camp did not end (even though he was exhausted) and couldn’t wait to wake up for camp the next morning. Honestly, the truth about how good something is lies within our children so if this isn’t a great testament, I’m not sure what is. Thank you for all your efforts in getting All in Nature started and we look forward to more great adventures next summer with you and your team!"

        ​--Brenda Conti (mother of three children)

"All in Nature Adventure camp was such an amazing experience for my three children. Our children walked away with a better understanding of what the outdoors had to offer them. Ashley has a great way with children, she has the gift of having the spirit of youth but still commands the respect and attention of the children throughout the day. From rock climbing to swimming to cave exploring to fishing to shelter building - we never heard the words "I am bored" or "I am not having fun" out of their mouths. That doesn't come around often and it was such a positive experience.  We give the highest recommendation for All in Nature to any parent who is looking for an outdoor experience without compare which teaches a love of nature and respect of oneself and others. It is great for any parent who struggles to get their kids away from the iPad, TV, electronics, etc for a truly amazing outdoor experience.

​       ---Dr. Kelle B. (mother of three children)

"My grandson and I were driving in the car and he randomly called out the name of the river we were driving past. I asked him where he learned that and he said All in Nature camp! He then went on to say that he has never done so many cool things in one week."

      ---Jan Liermann (grandmother of five and retired kindergarten teacher)