As a student-athlete on the University of Illinois womens basketball team, I had the opportunity to meet many young students who would often share their dreams and aspirations. While pursuing my own dreams of playing professional basketball in Chicago, I often sought after experiences that introduced me to new people, challenged my skills, and expanded the lens from which I viewed the world. My thirst for exploration eventually led me to Colorado where I learned how to snowboard, hike, mountain bike, play guitar, and rock climb.                  

In 2003 I began my special education teaching career through Teach for America, helping high school at-risk students in under-performing and under-resourced areas. After organizing the school's first Outdoor Adventure Club, I observed the positive outcomes when students connected with nature and learned through experiential activities. For my students, it ignited a renewed passion for learning (outside of the classroom), exploration, increased self-esteem, and desire to try new things.

After earning a masters degree in education and working as a special education teacher for the past ten years, I have seen a significant increase in children's use of electronics and a decrease in time spent outdoors.All in Nature was created to reconnect children with nature, and to provide authentic learning experiences outside the classroom that support a child's intellectual, social, physical, and emotional development.

I invite you to join our movement--- to reconnect children with nature, their interests, and most importantly, to awaken and excite the playful spirit, creativity, and passion for exploration in all of us.
Come be a part of the All in Nature experience!

Ashley Berggren

Founder and Director

Getting to know Ashley:

Welcome to All in nature 2017

Explore. Excite. Awaken.

“Come forth into the          light of things.                    Let nature be your  teacher.” 

-William Wordsworth